A Classier way to update your Facebook Status via a Home Screen Widget.
Facebook Status Update Widget fWidget for facebook users.
Update your Facebook Status from Android Home Screen through a Home Screen Widget..Just one tap puts your Status on Facebook wall.
-----Simple,Elegant and Easy----
Note: Facebook Inc is neither associated with nor endorses this application (Status Update Widget For Facebook fWidget).This application is not developed by Facebook..
- Write and Update Facebook Status from a HOME SCREEN WIDGET with a single tap..
- Can Upload and post Pictures on Facebook Wall. User can give 'description' for the image to be posted on wall.
- Location Feature..user can post his/her location with status..Requires GPS feature..
- No Push Notification Ads or Icon Ads.This app will NOT generate Ads in Phone's Notification bar..
- User can place the widget wherever he wishes.
- There is only a one time log in
- Extremely light app - uses very small amount of memory.500 Kb (0.5 Mb)
After you install the app:
- After First time log in....please click 'ok' button (authorizing the app)...(only at first login..)..
- The user will also have to click 'ok' the first time he makes a status update..(probably it was reason for a 1 star rating..:( )
That's All..
Enjoy !(Please give us a quick +1 and come back and RATE if you like it.. :P)
In order to keep this app free,we have to depend on Ads.The user will see 1 Ad every third time he uses the widget..If you like this app,you can download the Ad free pro version($1) in "More from developer".thanks...
All your Wall Posts using "Facebook Status Update Widget fWidget" will show "Via Android Widget Pro"
How to add Widget to Home Screen:
For Android ICS, JellyBean
1.Install the application
2.go to applications->go to widgets
3.Drag fWidget to home screen.(press and hold)
For Android Ginger Bread and KitKat
1.Install the application.
2.Long Touch on empty space on your home screen-> Widgets -> Choose 'fWidget' from the list.
Version 2.7
- Removed 'Rate Us' prompt
- Reduced memory usage
Version 2.4:
- Added Check-In Feature (needs GPS feature)