EVP Chaser Proto-X
EVP Chaser Proto-X Is a user customisable Spirit box.
It allows you to set your own custom made EVP Maker files into 2 banks
the software will essentially alternate between both banks at whatever sweep rate you use,
The software should be used in conjunction with a digital or analogue audio recorder for maximum effect, The frequency noise range from various sounds help amplify and produce better EVP's
The app will most likely not impress if you fail to use a recorder as one is needed to produce EVP On demand
We recommend using audio files in high quality .mp3 or .wav None are supplied with the app, you must source the files or create them your self.
The software is for people who know what they are doing, It has a slight learning curve so be patient, don't expect miracles on the first try..
The App is in beta, please report issues or ask questions in the comments for a prompt reply