The Space-Time Smackdown booster packs arrived in Pokemon TCG Pocket . Like any new influx of cards, they're guaranteed to shake up the meta. But unlike the smaller Mythical Island release, Pokemon GO players have to choose between two types of packs – Dialga packs or Palkia packs.
The Space-Time Smackdown booster set has two different packs. One has Dialga on the front, while the other shows Palkia. Similar to Genetic Apex, the cards you can pull from each vary slightly. Las tarjetas en cada paquete, y las probabilidades de extraer cada una, se enumeran en "tarifas de oferta" en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla de selección del paquete de refuerzo.
To see what's in Dialga vs. Palkia packs in Pokemon TCG Pocket, hover over the pack you want to check. Then, hit “Offering Rates” to see a list of what's included.
There are 207 cards in the new set, and only some are pack exclusives. To decide which packs to focus on first, look at the pack exclusives you want the most.
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Which packs to spend your Pack Hourglasses on in Pokemon TCG Pocket will depend slightly on your goals. Si busca un Pokémon favorito específico, priorice el paquete en el que está incluido. Por otro lado, si desea apoyarse en el meta, es posible que desee concentrarse en tarjetas que serán más fuertes en las batallas de bolsillo Pokemon TCG . Here are a few key considerations when choosing between Dialga and Palkia.
In the Dialga packs, players will find a few key EX cards. These include Dialga EX, Yanmega EX, Gallade EX, and Darkrai EX. Players planning to build a strategy around one of these EX cards will want to focus energy on opening Dialga packs first.
Certain illustration rares and trainer cards are also exclusive to the Dialga packs. For instance, you'll only find the Dawn and Volkner support cards in this pack.
Finally, for those eager to collect Bidoof, it is also a Dialga pack exclusive.
Naturally, if you want Palkia EX in Pokemon TCG Pocket , you need to open the Palkia pack, not the Diaglo one. This deck packs less EX power overall compared with Dialga, but you will find Lickilicky EX, Weavile EX, and Mismagius EX here. Estas cartas no atraen tanto la atención en la divulgación sobre PVP, pero es posible que pueda crear un mazo más único enfocándose en ellas.
In terms of Supporter cards you'll only find in the Palkia deck, we've got Mars and Cynthia. If these two are personal favorites, or if their abilities stand out to you, this might be the way to go.
Dialga is poised to be the more competitive option, with so many high-power and coveted EX cards coming right out of the gate. That said, the Palkia deck holds quite a few powerful supporter cards and might give you an edge for pulling together a less obvious strategy.
Ultimately, you're going to get some cool new cards either way. Focus on the one that has your most desired chase cards first. Then, save up those Pack Hourglasses and Pack Points to fill in the gaps.
And that's whether you should open the Dialga or Palkia packs first in Pokemon TCG Poclet .
Pokemon TCG Pocket ya está disponible en dispositivos móviles.