Alongside Sam Wilson Captain America, another successor to an iconic Avenger is coming to Marvel Snap . This time, it's Joaquin Torres Falcon, the man who takes over Falcon's duties when Sam Wilson takes over Captain America's duties. Here are the best Joaquin Torres Falcon decks in Marvel Snap .
Joaquin Torres es una tarjeta de 3 costos y 4 potencias con una habilidad que dice: "En curso: las habilidades de revelación de sus tarjetas de 1 costo aquí ocurren dos veces".
He has great synergy with the likes of The Hood, Nico Minoru, Silver Sable, Yondu, and so on. Moonstone also works with him. However, you're most likely to see him in a bounce-style list with Beast and Werewolf by Night.
As an Ongoing card, watch out for the likes of Rogue and Enchantress. The latter is rather popular at the moment.
Joaquin Torres is at a bit of an awkward cost at 3; however, anything lower and he might actually be broken. As a result, it's best to slot him into existing decks rather than try to theorycraft a brand-new deck around him. Thankfully, there are two great decks he'll fit into right away: new mill and bounce. Let's take a look at mill first:
Haga clic aquí para copiar esta lista de sin explotar.
The Series 5 cards in this list are: Iron Patriot, Baron Zemo, and Misery. The latter two are necessary; however, if you don't have Iron Patriot you can swap him with Cable.
El objetivo con este mazo no es tanto para obligar a tu oponente a quedarse sin cartas, sino para interrumpir sus jugadas lo suficiente como para sacar una buena carta con Baron Zemo y revivir algo medio decente con Fenris Wolf. Joaquin Torres helps a lot here as he can hit three 1 cost cards: The Hood, Iceman, and Yondu. Any one of these going off twice is incredible; never mind if you then drop Misery into that lane and retrigger them twice all over again.
Yondu, Killmonger, Gladiator y Misery destruyen cartas, haciendo que la muerte sea relativamente barata en la mayoría de los partidos, dando a este mazo un pico de poder muy necesario. Si es la primera vez que lo juega, puede necesitar un tiempo acostumbrarse, no querrás matar a tu demonio del capó, pero una vez que lo hagas, definitivamente frustrarás a muchos oponentes.
The next decklist has fallen out of favor despite being pretty strong, mostly because it's a high-skill, high-reward kind of deck. Queda por ver si Joaquin Torres hace que sea más fácil ganar en Marvel Rivals queda por ver, pero echemos un vistazo a uno de sus mejores mazos, independientemente de la vez:
Haga clic aquí para copiar esta lista de sin explotar.
The Series 5 cards in this list are: Silver Sable, Nico Minoru, Toxin, Black Swan, Agent Venom, and Werewolf by Night. Yes, that's a lot. Unfortunately, only a couple of the one drops can be switched out, such as Silver Sable for Iceman.
El objetivo aquí es jugar tus 1 gotas temprano, recuperarlas con toxina o bestia alrededor de las vueltas de 4 o 5 años, mientras que el hombre lobo de la noche salta por la noche como un maníaco peludo. Joaquin Torres es una alternativa al hombre de guerra por la noche, ya que puedes dejarlo en el turno 3 en su lugar, recuperar tus 1 gotas en la curva 4 y luego obtener un montón de valor de ellos en el turno 5. Un mapache de cohete adecuadamente cronometrado puede ganar un carril solo con Joaquin Torres.
Iron Man proporciona una espiga y obtiene un gran beneficio del Agente Venom, lo que le da una forma de ganar otro carril activando Black Swan para un Turn 6 Flourish. If you haven't played bounce before, it might take you a while to get the hang of this deck, but it's remarkably powerful.
Related: Best Ares Decks in Marvel Snap
I believe Joaquin Torres is a remarkable niche card, and he may only really see play in decks like the above mill list. If that isn't your style, he's definitely a good card to skip to save some keys for the likes of Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross and Diamondback. Still, it might be worth keeping an eye on the meta until he's about to leave the shop – a great deck or two might pop off with him in it.
And those are the best Joaquin Torres Falcon decks in Marvel Snap .
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