After smashing its Kickstarter goal back in 2022, Mandragora , now Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree , is nearly here. If you're thinking of pre-ordering, here are Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree 's release date and all pre-order rewards.
Mandragora: Subsispers of the Witch Tree se lanza en PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S y Nintendo Switch el 17 de abril de 2025. Originalmente se estableció para diciembre de 2023, lo que obviamente no sucedió.
Sin embargo, los patrocinadores de Mandragora parecen haber sido comprensivos, sobre todo porque el desarrollador Primal Game Studio los mantuvo actualizados y algunos patrocinadores tenían acceso a una beta cerrada. La sección de comentarios no está llena de personas que copian y pegan "Invoco mis derechos bajo los términos de uso de Kickstarter", como es el caso de muchas campaña condenada.
The game sees you battle the “Entropy” as you try to save a world that's inexorably winding down. Can you save the world? Given how gloomy the game's world looks, it's touch and go.
Puede pre-ordenar Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch ahora mismo en Steam y la tienda Epic Games, y si lo hace, obtendrá los siguientes bonos de pedido anticipado:
Game Preview 2 does not appear to be available as yet, but we'd expect it to drop shortly. Game Preview 1 is four times the size of Mandragora 's demo.
There are two editions of the game, which are as follows:
Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree Standard Edition ($39.99)
This contains:
Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree Digital Deluxe Edition ($39.99)
This contains:
Despite the way that the Steam store page phrases it, it appears there aren't any Deluxe-exclusive pre-order bonuses. Muchos editores de AAA vincularían el acceso de vista previa a la edición de lujo, pero no importa qué edición solicite, obtendrá acceso a la vista previa de Mandragora 1 y, más tarde, Vista previa 2.
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So far, you cannot pre-order Mandragora on console. It's listed on those consoles' respective storefronts, but there's no option to do so. It may be that a pre-order option will go up prior to Mandragora 's April 17 release. However, since the game's preview is PC based, any console pre-order bonuses likely won't include preview access.
These days, PC games don't get boxed releases. 99% of PC releases are digital only, whether that's via Steam, the Epic Games Store, or GOG. But what about a boxed console release of Mandragora ? Well, I've got good news and bad news.
The good news is that there is a physical version of the game for console and, surprisingly, PC. The bad news is that, so far, it's only available to those who ordered it through the Kickstarter, priced at $79. And since that's Kickstarter's closed, you can't order one. It may be that Primal Game Studio puts out a more extensive physical release, but for now, you've missed the bus on that one.
And that's Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree’s release date and all pre-order rewards. Want to know how the game came together? Check out our interview with Mandragora 's developers.