Minecraft players always keep a close eye on the game's Java Snapshot updates, as they tease what's coming to the sandbox game. Well, the latest Snapshot, 25w06a, reveals two new kinds of animals that are sure to be highly coveted. Here's where to find all three Chicken variants in Minecraft .
The first new Chicken variant is the Warm Chicken, which has yellow and orange feathers rather than the traditional white ones. Puede ser difícil detectar debido a que se mezcla con el color de tierra de las áreas más cálidas, pero afortunadamente, hay una lista de biomas disponibles que revelan dónde puede buscar el ave:
The Cold Chicken, of course, is the polar opposite of the Warm Chicken, having blue feathers and appearing only in cold biomes. Here's where to look for the new mob:
The third and final Chicken variant in Minecraft should be very familiar to veteran players. Classic Chickens have been renamed Temperate Chickens and show up in all of the biomes that are not considered warm or cold.
If you're looking to collect all the different Chicken variants in Minecraft , it's time to bust out the taming skills. Unlike dogs, there's no way to traditionally tame a Chicken in the popular sandbox title. However, carrying around seeds will cause the bird to follow, presenting an opportunity to put them in a fenced-in area. Repeat the process until you have the number of Chickens you want.
It's important to keep in mind, though, that, depending on where you find the Chicken, it could be a long journey back to your compound. It's a good idea to set up checkpoints where you can leave your livestock while you return to collect more. Just don't wait too long if you're in Survival mode because there are all kinds of threats, especially when the sun goes down.
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Once you corral all three of the Chicken variants, you're likely going to want more. Si sabe qué tipo desea, el proceso es simple: alimente las semillas a dos del mismo tipo de pollo y espere a que ingresen al modo de amor y deje caer un huevo. Sin embargo, si prefiere sorprenderse, alimente las semillas a dos tipos diferentes de pollos, y ocurrirá el mismo proceso, solo el huevo eclosionará una variante aleatoria del ave.
And that's where to find all three Minecraft Chicken variants. If you're looking for more, here's how to get Armadillo Scutes in the Mojang game.
Minecraft is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile.