Every run in Elden Ring begins with a starting class and there are 10 different options that are on the table. They all have slight differences in stats or equipment, and I'm going to rank them all from worst to best.
The two best starting classes are the Vagabond and the Wretch. However, there are good arguments for a couple of others to break into the top spots. Each class has its own advantages and they are all ranked below.
The worst three classes are all interchangeable but the Bandit truly sticks out. Not only does it start at a low level of 5, but the main stat is Dexterity, which is already fairly weak. Mix the bad stat boost with some subpar equipment and you have yourself a class that isn't worth touching at all.
Confessors simply have too little to offer compared to other classes. Faith is already a hard stat to get rolling until you can get the items you need. Otherwise, the Confessor starts out with equipment that doesn't complement early builds or Faith much in terms of damage.
Like the Bandit, the Prisoner is a worse version of other Dexterity and Intelligence builds. You will start fairly squishy and there are far better weapons to pick from. Players who want Dex or Intelligence can find much better options.
As far as Dexterity options go, this one isn't bad, and you even start with two swords. However, there are better dex options. Warrior tiene la destreza base más alta que puede acercarte a la tapa de estadísticas suaves, pero solo por un punto y el equipo no justifica la elección. With that said, it's still better for a starting build than the previous three.
Faith starting classes are already a pain to work with. If you have to pick one, though, the Prophet is your best bet. The spells you get with this class are also decent but the equipment can be lacking in comparison to others. If you know where to get some good Faith weapons, the Prophet can still be a good pick.
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In the second half of the ranking, the top four are clearly the best. The Hero does have some great advantages though. Starting with a Battle Axe and 16 Strength is a great way to pummel early-game enemies. Even the Ash of War can help with damage. But the low Dexterity makes meeting minimum requirements an issue and there is still a better Strength pick.
This is the best essential Dexterity starting class in Elden Ring . Not only is the armor fantastic, but the weapon that you start with is one of the best. The Uchigatana has great scaling, and impressive damage, and can easily bleed enemies.
Anyone who wants to play a mage build or use Intelligence at all should start with the Astrologer. Ninguna clase puede enviar hechizos de juego temprano como este puede y comienza con 16 inteligencia en el nivel 6. Hay mucho espacio para mejorar las estadísticas y el equipo que obtienes es perfecto. When you want to play the perfect mage, this is the class you need. And if you want to transition to a build with Intelligence and Strength, this still works.
The Wretch starts at level one and has 10 points in each stat. It also has a decent club with a great Ash of War. However, the low level and no armor means it's a tough start for new players. I would even say that the Wretch is bad if you know you're going to stick with one stat. But if you want to tailor your entire build, or you ever want to respec, the Wretch is the best option in the game.
Whether you're a new player or an experienced one, the Vagabond is simply the best starting class in Elden Ring . It has some of the best stat distribution for early-game builds, a fantastic weapon, and some armor you could keep for the rest of the journey. Because of the stat distribution, it's easy to respec or pivot into any other build.
When in doubt, simply pick the Vagabond and that's all you need to succeed with a good class.
Honestly, unless you're planning on really min-maxing a build in Elden Ring , your starting class doesn't matter all that much. Claro, comenzar con el bandido podría darle un tiempo un poco más duro en las primeras horas, pero a la larga, pondrá sus puntos en las estadísticas que desee, y eventualmente puede especificar en cualquier construcción que esté buscando en primer lugar. Al final del día, es posible que solo esté a unos pocos puntos de una versión totalmente optimizada de la compilación que desea si elija una clase "incorrecta".
And here's a secret: min-maxing honestly doesn't matter either, even in PvP. Una construcción totalmente optimizada puede darle una ligera ventaja en PVP, pero esa diferencia no será notable a menos que esté jugando con los mejores jugadores de PVP en el juego.
So yeah, if the Bandit speaks to you on an aesthetic level, then go for it.
That being said, if you're completely new to the game, then the Vagabond class is my recommendation. El combate cuerpo a cuerpo es muy sencillo y fácil de recoger, lo que le permite controlar con la mecánica de Elden Ring mientras encuentra su equilibrio.
Elden Ring is available now on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.