Si bien hay docenas de mundos a los que los jugadores pueden acceder naturalmente mientras juegan a Astro Bot , diez mundos se encuentran en la galaxia Secret Lost Lost, a la que solo se puede acceder al encontrar portales ocultos en diez mundos diferentes. Here's where they're located.
A medida que juegas a través de Astro Bot , encontrarás que algunas etapas tienen un icono de remolino extraño al seleccionarlos junto con cuántos bots y piezas de rompecabezas hay en cada mundo. If there is one, then a portal to the Lost Galaxy is hidden somewhere in the stage. These portals can be hidden fairly early in a level or even right at the very end, so players will have to keep an eye out to find them. Or you can check out this handy guide to see where each portal is and how to access them.
Toward the middle of the level, you'll reach a dark room with a wall that has four torches lit surrounding it. Using the Twin-Frog Gloves, put out each of the fires, and the wall will open up, revealing the portal.
Toward the beginning of the level, you'll see a snowy arena with a bouncing ladybug enemy crawling around. Go slightly past it and reach the pig, then grab it after it charges toward you. Once you begin to swing it, navigate your way to the edge of the platform you're on until the icy statue is targeted. Release the pig, and it will go flying and destroy the statue. Now backtrack and flip over the ladybug and bounce up to the platform. Perform a charged spin attack, and you'll find yourself in a room with the secret portal,
After you defeat Captain Pincher, turn around to see where his claw is embedded in the ground. You'll see that there's a glowing light for you to perform a charged spin attack. Drill into the ground to reveal a hidden room filled with treasure and the secret portal.
Near the end of the level, you'll find a frog that blows bubbles. Blow into the controller for the frog to begin blowing bubbles. Then, shrink your size and hitch a ride on a bubble. Keep riding it until you reach the branch above the bot (you may need to jump onto a different bubble before it pops). Once there, navigate your way to the opposite branch, and you'll find the next secret portal.
This is probably the easiest secret portal to find in Astro Bot. As soon as the level begins, turn around and you'll see a few platforms with an electric enemy. Swim over to it and bait him into electrocuting the platforms. The wall behind him will open, and you'll find the hidden portal.
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In the middle of the level, find the house with the flaming chimney. After absorbing the water, navigate your way up to the roof and extinguish the flames. Then, hop down the chimney, and you'll be in a room with the secret portal.
At the very end of the level, turn to the right, and you'll see an area with constantly falling jewels. Head over to it, and you'll find a bounce pad that will take you into an area with a hidden portal. Before you reach it, you'll activate a trap, and you'll have to find the hidden switch in two walls that are pushing you back. Find each switch and the pathway to the portal will be open.
Con mucho, el portal secreto más complicado para encontrar en Astro Bot, necesitará obtener el encendido de peces de pezarrón y luego retroceder un área cerca del comienzo del escenario con una plataforma en la distancia y un enemigo de mariquitas rebotando. Turn over the ladybug and punch it toward the edge of the platform toward the floating area. Bounce on him, activate the puffer-fish power-up, and then use Astro's hover ability to reach the platform. Once there, you'll have to use motion controls to cut down the bamboo surrounding the hidden portal until it's visible. Even then, the portal won't activate until you run around the perimeter of it and power it up.
After you defeat Djinny and reach the goal, turn around and begin to climb the ruins. You'll see that the ground is glowing on the ruins. What that means is that even though you can't see it, there's an invisible platform there on each of the ruins. Hover over to each platform, which you can tell by the slabs of concrete on the ground that glow underneath it. Una vez que llegue a la plataforma elevada, despliegue la alfombra y la realice a otra plataforma elevada, ya que este tiene el portal secreto al final.
Before jumping down to fight the boss, roll around the snowball until it becomes a massive ball. Then, use it as a platform to reach the area along the cliff, and you'll reach the final secret portal in Astro Bot.
And those are all of the secret portal locations in Astro Bot . Click here forwalkthrough guidesandhow to unlock some hidden trophies.
Related: You found all 10 Hidden Portals, now what about all those Cameos? Check out this list of All Astro Bot Cameos and where to find them on Listium.
Astro Botis available now on PlayStation 5.