Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel es un fabuloso juego de supervivencia de Roguelike con múltiples clases de personajes y poderes divinos. Puede mejorar las habilidades de su héroe desbloqueando las habilidades durante las redadas, pero el verdadero potencial de estas actualizaciones solo se puede utilizar a través del árbol de habilidades. Aquí hay una lista de niveles de habilidades clasificando todas las habilidades.
El árbol de habilidades en Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hellists las habilidades de todas las clases y dioses por separado. Si bien las habilidades de clase se aplican solo a ese personaje, los efectos de las habilidades de Dios aparecen independientemente del héroe que estés usando. Puede comprar habilidades para puntos de habilidad, que se pueden obtener gastando el oro recolectado durante las redadas. En el árbol de habilidades, encontrarás los siguientes tipos de habilidades:
La siguiente lista de niveles clasifica las habilidades para cada clase y Dios por separado en función de su efectividad en el combate y la supervivencia. S Tier representa la mejor de las mejores habilidades, mientras que un nivel tiene opciones que son casi tan buenas pero que se quedan cortas un poco. B Tier enumera buenas habilidades que puede considerar a continuación y C Tier tiene habilidades que no son tan atractivas y no se sienten muy útiles en la batalla. Consulte la lista para hacer una buena construcción para usted.
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Totem of Suffering : I highly suggest unlocking this Autocast from the skill tree and opting for it during raids. Uno de los mejores ataques de Berserker que enganchan enemigos de cerca y de lejos antes de cortarlos. Axe Throw : The throwing axe gets an even more powerful upgrade to its damage, radius, and cooldown. True Berserker : Rage is Berserker's trademark ability and you can increase its duration by 200% using this skill. |
A | Vessel of Pain : You can upgrade it to four levels by spending 7 skill points to receive an overall 15% damage reduction while playing as the Berserker. Swirling Axe : Evolve this powerful mid-long range attack tool. Cutting Edge : This evolve improves the swiping axe that kills enemies in close vicinity of your character. |
B | Deeper Cuts : 7 skill points spent here can get you up to 35% attack damage buff just for Berserker. En cambio, puedes obtener un aficionado similar para todos los héroes que usan la habilidad de poder de Thor. The Spoils of War : A Berserker-specific permanent passive that can grant you up to 40% more resources at raid completion. |
do | Adrenaline Rush : A passive skill that heals a small amount of HP when Bersrker's Rage is triggered. Open Wounds : This induces bleed chance on enemies, but you can acquire other better passives instead. Assault : A mediocre attack maneuver that you shouldn't prioritize evolving or getting during runs. |
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Divination : A must-have passive that will increase XP gained from crystals by up to 30%. Esto lo ayudará a subir de nivel rápido y desbloquear/actualizar las habilidades antes. Magic Missiles : It's best to unlock this Autocast that helps you combat multiple enemies at once. Serpent's Skin : Although costly, this skill permanently adds two more uses to Seeress's class trait—Eldritch Wards. Este rasgo le otorga invulnerabilidad por un segundo, lo que puede ser suficiente para ayudarlo a sobrevivir en situaciones terribles. |
A | Ward Restoration : The cooldown of Eldritch Wards can be reduced by up to 35%. Briar Thorns : This is a powerful Autocast for Seeress and I recommend evolving it for better effectiveness. Dark Wisps : Another useful Autocast that you can consider adding an upgrade option for. |
B | Temporal Trap : This is a decent attack but not as good as the previously mentioned Autocasts. Mind Blast : This Autocast deals a good amount of damage on the enemies, but can hinder your speed for a while. |
do | Draining Touch : You can get this permanent passive for Seeress to increase the gold drop rate by up to 50%, but it will not help you win battles. En cambio, obtenga la actualización de la codicia de Loki, ya que funciona en todas las clases. Healing Ward : This passive skill will heal very little HP when Eldritch Wards is triggered. Mastery of Fate : A non-combat permanent passive that gives you three more Rerolls and one additional Banish for skill selection. |
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Rapid Fire : Acquire this upgrade for Revenant to improve his bow attack speed by up to 25%. Puede apilar esto con otras habilidades de mejoramiento de velocidad (por ejemplo, la resolución de Freya) para una destreza aún mejor. Intangible : Get this permanent passive to increase the duration of Ghostwalk by 0.6 seconds. Ghostwalk (rasgo de clase de Revenant) desencadena una reducción momentánea del 50% de daño cuando usa Dash. Soul Shards : Unlock this skill to release additional deadly arrows when Ghostwalk is triggered. |
A | Aimed Shots : This passive will allow you to enhance attack damage by 15% once acquired and 30% when upgraded. Skull Shot : This is my favorite Autocast for Revenant, hence, evolving it is a no-brainer. El daño explosivo inicial combinado con fragmentos voladores letales lo convierte en una opción de ataque formidable. Necrotic Rain : Evolution for the attack move that delivers an arrow shower. Wild Hearth : Haunting Wolf (Revenant's class trait) releases a wolf that attacks nearby enemies. Obtenga este pasivo permanente para aumentar el daño de ataque del animal en un 10%. |
B | Lichborne : The damage dealt specifically by Revenant's class skills can be increased by up to 35%. Heart Seeker : This Autocast releases an arrow that targets multiple enemies nearby. Grappling Web : Another Autocast upgrade that releases a series of hurtful webs around you. |
do | Focus Fire : A mediocre attack maneuver you may upgrade if you plan to use it. |
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Sprint : A must-have ability in the Flame Sister class skill pool that increases movement speed by 16% when maxed out. Fire Dart : This Autocast launches an explosive dart at a random enemy. Obtenga esto desbloqueado y evolucione si le gusta usarlo. |
A | Scorching Heat : Blazing Soul is one of Flame Sister's class traits that deals a sudden burst of damage to enemies. Esta actualización aumenta la oportunidad de quemaduras del alma ardiente hasta en un 50%. Shrapnel Pot : Upgrade for one of the most useful tools of Flame Sister that deploys timed explosive mines. Sisterhood Incarnates : Evolve this skill to get more decoys (five) that shoot at nearby enemies. Dance of Daggers : A powerful class Autocast that releases a series of knives in a circle twice around the hero. Chain Reaction : Another permanent upgrade for Blazing Soul that has a 30% to cause it to explode twice in a row. |
B | Vital Spot : These permanent passives can boost critical hit chances by up to 15%. Unseen Blade : Another skill that increases crit chance, but you'll have to acquire it from the skill selection menu as it's not a permanent passive. Flaming Ray : Evolve this Autocast that releases multiple burning rays. |
do | Counter Attack : When you evade an attack, there is a 20% chance of random skill reset. Esto no es tan útil teniendo en cuenta la gran cantidad de puntos de habilidad (6) requeridos para aprovecharlo. |
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Sturdiness : You can get this permanent upgrade to add up to 150 HP to any class's health bar. Power : Add a massive 25% damage boost to any character by spending 7 skill points. Recovery : The best way to get health regeneration (of up to 3HP/s) on any character. |
A | Discharge : With this unlockable passive you can stun nearby enemies when using the dash. Overwhelming Potential : You can add up to a 30% damage boost to all of Thor's skills with this upgrade. Úselo solo si está seguro de que usará los movimientos de ataque de Thor. Lightning Strike : Evolution for my favorite Thor skill that releases lightning strikes in four directions around the hero. Thunderstorm : Thunderstorm is another useful Thor Autocast that drops a powerful strike onto enemies. Evolucione esto para mejorar el daño, el radio y el tiempo de enfriamiento. |
B | Sentinel : You can unlock this Autocast that calls in a sentinel to attack enemies, but it's not more powerful than the previously mentioned Thor skills. Ball Lightning : An evolution for a decent but not great attack move. Mjolnir : Another sub-standard Autocast that I don't usually prefer unlocking unless the skill pool has useless items. |
do | Massacre : This permanent passive gives any hero the ability to slay even the toughest of enemies in a single blow. Esto pertenece al nivel C porque la oportunidad de matar que obtienes es simplemente el 15% por un costo considerable de 6 puntos de habilidad. |
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Resolution : Improve the attack speed of any class by up to 25%. Divine Wave : This is one of my favorite Autocasts in the entire game as it repels and damages hostiles close to you. Obtener esta habilidad Evolve es imprescindible si te gusta este ataque. Seidr Blessings : Unlock this Autocast and get it from the skill pool to get an aura that heals you and damages enemies within for a short while. Revival : A must-have skill that grants you one revive chance to cheat death. Funciona para todos los personajes, pero perderás todos los recursos reunidos en Revival. |
A | Wisdom : Increase the collecting range by up to 50%. Aunque es pasivo sin combate, es muy útil para recolectar oro y cristales para subir de nivel de lo lejos. Heroic Hymn : This passive skill when acquired from the skill pool increases the power of all healing items like food by 40%. Valkyrie Descent : Evolution for a powerful spell by Freya that launches deadly Valkyrie attacks onto the enemies. Golden Discs : Another useful Autocast that releases multiple discs that circle in a large area killing hostiles. Esta evolución aumenta el tamaño de los discos y su efectividad. |
B | Defense : This permanent passive grants any hero a damage reduction of 10%. Si no desea usar un modificador que también reduzca las recompensas, obtenga esta habilidad. Gambanteinn : Release a swiping sword around you that damages and burns enemies within range. |
do | Last Stand : Get improved crit chances but it only triggers when you're standing still briefly. |
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Quickness : Get these permanent upgrades to gain a 15% movement speed boost on all characters for 7 skill points. |
A | Dodging : Gain a 10% evasion bonus (upgradable to 20%) on any character you're using. Parasite : Perhaps Loki's most useful Autocast that releases a series of parasite strikes onto the enemies. Jormungandr : This evolve skill allows you to improve the effectiveness of the fire-breathing World Serpent. Vipers : Release up to 25 vipers that have a 30% chance of dealing poison damage. |
B | Spark : This ball of bouncing light deals more damage and burns before exploding three times. Obtenga la actualización Evolve si tiende a usar esta autocast. |
do | Greed : Just like Seeress's Draining Touch skill, Greed allows you to increase gold drop chance by 50%. Shapeshifter : Gives a slight boost to attack speed when a movement speed bonus is triggered. No es una habilidad útil para adquirir, ya que tiene espacios limitados. Rigged Lottery : If you get this ability from the skill pool, you'll be awarded gold instead of a passive skill. Esto combinado con codicia es un combo maravilloso si solo estás entrando en una redada para recolectar oro. Flammable Wall : I don't like Lok's Flammable Wall Autocast, but you may consider evolving it if you're going to use it. Swindle : This permanent passive stuns nearby enemies for 5 seconds when you open a chest. Esta es una herramienta muy situacional que se utilizará raramente, por lo tanto, gastar 6 puntos de habilidad en ella no es aconsejable. |
Nivel | Habilidad |
S | Farsight : Boost XP gained by up to 25%. Obtenga más XP por cristal para subir de nivel y obtener habilidades más rápido. Local Ragnarok : You must try this powerful Odin wave attack that takes out all standard enemies instantly. El enfriamiento, sin embargo, es muy largo. |
A | Prowess : Increase the attack damage by up to 20%. Prefiero la habilidad de poder de Thor sobre esto, por lo tanto, la puse en un nivel. Yule Father : Unlock this permanent passive to double skills and rewards received by 10%. Huggin and Munnin : An evolution upgrade for Odin's ravens that carry lethal rope that cuts enemies within their range. |
B | Sleipnir's Speed : It is a passive obtainable from the skill pool that grants up to a 30% attack speed boost. La resolución de Freya es mejor ya que es una actualización permanente y no tiene que sacrificar una ranura pasiva. Older than Time : Increases your HP by 150. Once again, this captures a passive slot and a better alternative for this skill is Thor's Sturdiness. Gungnir : Get one more upgrade slot for the spears that fall onto the enemies from the sky. |
do | Einherjar : An evolution for the Valhallan warrior that has a 25% chance of appearing with an archer. Runic Boulder : Although not the best Odin Autocast, you can unlock this evolve and upgrade this skill in raids for a 0-second cooldown on the boulder. |
Para obtener más información sobre el juego Bullet Hell, mira Jotunnslayer Hordes of Hel Beginner's Guide on Pro Game Guides.