Local buy and sell without the shipping blues. 100% free listings!
Access free, friendly, local classifieds ads wherever you are in the US with the new eBay Classifieds app. Combine the ease of use of eBay Classifieds with the convenience of being able to take pictures of your items and instantly post your ads to the site, and you have the power to buy and sell locally – wherever you are! No shipping hassle!
Whether you're snapping and posting photos of items you'd like to sell, browsing for bicycles, catching up on your collectibles, hoping to find that perfect home decor touch, perusing puppies, or even looking for a locksmith, you can do it all while on the go thanks to the eBay Classifieds app.
Available now, you're just a few taps away from interacting with your neighborhood – at home or on the go!
• Auto-locate directs you to your closest eBay Classifieds area
• Browse and search any category by keyword, price, distance or any attribute
• View, reply to, or forward ads
• View all ad images on a single page
• Keep tabs on ads with our handy Watch List
• Super-easy ad posting with up to eight images from your camera or photo library
• Share ads with your friends and social networks