Mobile light version of the resource ( without the possibility of a login.
From the possibilities:
- You can read offline
- There is a blog
- you can share links to comment or post
- Only the first page is always synchronized.
Guys, thanks to everyone for the pictures, I hope that he did not stole anything, did not offend anyone. I would love to insert a list of authors with links to the application if they wrote to me.
About suspicious permits:
Android.perMission.access_network_state - to check on Wi -Fi
Android.permission.receive_boot_completed - to resume background loading of posts
The project lies on Hithabe with public access:
- Fixed uploading comments and blogs.
Unfortunately, previously loaded posts, the loading problem will not be solved. Previously uploaded blogs try to restart (button "update"), if the problem does not solve after that, then I can only advise the reinstallation of the application.