Simplify Activities on your phone by choosing right defaults.
Default App is the App Manager to set default for various category of app and clear existing defaults. Default App is the only app that lets you set default for an Intent without much hassle in a easy to use interface.
Default App has various easy to use functionality:
1. View all current Default Apps that are set on your phone. You can choose any category and clear the Default App that is currently set and set a new Default App for the category chosen using the defaults manager.
2. View all Category of apps (Intents) and set default for any category or clear any of the current Default App in category.
Default App is the best App manager to manage your phone better.
Consider the following use case:
1. Multiple Gallery apps for Photos? Never be prompted to chose the default again. Set the default Gallery app you like.
2. Multiple PDF Viewers? Chose the default PDF Viewer you want to use.
3. Bad Document Viewer default? Chose the a Document viewer you want to use.
4. Need a default Presentation Tool? Simply set the default PPT viewer.
Default App makes your everyday life easy.