Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a massive open-world RPG that lets you build Henry however you want, which can be very overwhelming. That's where we come in, though. Here are the best perks to get first in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 .
First off, a bit of a disclaimer. You can build Henry in any way you want in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . Egal, ob Sie ein volles Ritter haben möchten, der sich durch alles bahnt, oder ein Zauberer, der sich aus klebrigen Situationen herausreden kann, die meisten Builds sind in diesem Spiel praktikabel.
That being said, there are a bunch of perks that are just great in a general sense, and I'll go over each one below.
You really want to make sure your Reputation is rock solid in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , especially on a first playthrough. So with that in mind, make sure to pick up Opportunist and Charming Man as soon as you can.
Es ist ein bisschen ein Wurf zwischen Martin und Radzigs Erbe, und die Entscheidung kommt wirklich darauf an, in welche Spezialitäten Sie investieren möchten. Persönlich habe ich mich für Martins Erbe entschieden, da ich wollte, dass Henry das Schwertkampf beherrscht und auch in der Wildnis überleben kann. That being said, Radzig's Heritage does give you that bonus in Scholarship too, which is very useful.
Even if you're planning on going for a more sneaky build, you're still going to need some Strength perks. Most importantly, you want to get the perks that increase your carrying capacity. After all, there's no point sneaking around and stealing stuff if you can't actually carry it.
Speech builds will also benefit from Heracles, which boosts your Charisma as you level up Strength.
Your main buffs in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will come from the Agility perks. These three perks are the most important to pick up, especially Creeping Phantom, which allows you to move faster while crouch-walking.
Finesse and Viper are also essential, depending on the weapon types you're using.
The Vitality perks are there to make sure you're always looking presentable in-game. Wenn Sie sich nicht ständig Sorgen um Duschen und Hunger machen müssen, wird Ihre Erfahrungen in Kingdom kommen: Befreiung 2 fühlen sich so viel besser an. Greifen Sie also auf diese zuerst.
The Speech category is just straight up broken. Abgesehen von den Vorteilen, die Ihnen beim Feilschen bessere Preise verleihen (wie handwerklich und silberne Zunge), synergieren der Rest von ihnen wirklich gut mit allem, was Sie im Königreich tun könnten: Befreiung 2 .
For instance, there's no way you're getting by in this game without at least stealing a few things. Hustler will make it easier for you to sell these stolen goods, and you get some Stealth and Thievery experience while you're at it.
Further, Jack of All Trades giving you a bonus to your skill checks is huge. While you could just use brute force to get through your quests, it's far easier and less stressful to talk your way out of it. The Speech perks will help with that.
And those are the very best perks to get in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . Suchen Sie auf der Website nach weiteren Tipps und Informationen zum Spiel.