Clock so modern Apk RC
Life Entertainment RC
Update Time:December 13, 2024
Start the day with your calendar, weather, news...
The modern alarm will wake you up in the joy and good mood!
This application is the best modern alarm. Say goodbye to the sad morning alarm.
Now when you stop the ringing of your modern alarm, it tells you vocally previously selected information such as weather, news, events on your calendar ...
- 100% FREE
- WITHOUT LIMITATION: unlimited alarms
- Message customizable voice
- Speaking alarm clock: time, weather, news, RSS ...
- Alarm includes light + sound + vibration
[Keywords: alarm clock, wake up, gentle alarm, wake voice, weather alarm, talking, speech, tts, svox, ivona; webradio, daydream, dreamservice, screensaver, radio, mp3, music, wakevoice, deskclock, millenium]