NPC Studio’s Fields of Mistria has been held in high regard for its well-written marriage candidates and dialogue, as well as equally thoughtful romance questlines. So, can you date current romance options in Fields of Mistria?
As it stands, the short answer is no – at least not technically. However, as someone who’s spent over 100 hours trying to get on March’s good side, I can say the game’s existing romance system is still well worth your time and the $13.99 price tag on Steam.
With Fields of Mistria’s first major update back in November 2024, the title raised its previous four-heart cap to six and added one new heart event for every romanceable NPC to mark relationship milestones. New events are unlocked at even intervals, with playable cutscenes at two, four, and six hearts. NPC Studio plans to implement eight- and ten-heart events in future updates. However, no official dates or specifics have been announced beyond the upcoming March 2025 update, which will not include an increased heart level cap or new heart events.
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While the prospect of taking on even more quests around Mistria is exciting, new players might frown at the halt on developing romance. That said, Fields of Mistria’s romance is nothing short of stellar in its current state. This is due in large part to the game’s rich and realistic dialogue, which veers satisfyingly flirty where romance options are concerned.
The same goes for the game’s existing heart events. Though you could easily read early cutscenes as strictly platonic, each is ambiguous enough to allow room for romantic interpretation, if only in setting, and your developing romantic relationships grow deeper with progress. In this way, the romantic pacing in Fields of Mistria feels exceptionally rewarding here, even if you can’t go on a proper date.
New players shouldn’t write off Fields of Mistria being unable to date, though. Alongside new heart events and dialogue, its last major update also introduced the Shooting Star Festival, a summer-based event that allows you to initiate a date with eligible NPCs. This requires four hearts with your pick of the game’s 10 romance options. At the time of writing, you can also spend the evening watching the stars with Caldarus, though this doesn’t trigger a date at the Summit location as it does with other romance options. This could change with the game’s March 2025 update, which is set to unlock the dragon’s romance questline.
For now, you might not be able to make your relationship official with dateable NPCs in Fields of Mistria, but there’s certainly enough to tide players over until the feature arrives.
NOTE: Fields of Mistria is currently in Early Access and content is subject to change. The above info is accurate as of Version 0.12.4 and will be updated as necessary if anything changes.
Fields of Mistriais available to play now in Early Access.