There are many different types of equipment you can use in Phasmophobia to help track down even the most elusive of ghosts, and one of the best is the Parabolic Microphone. If you’ve never tried it, here is how to unlock the Parabolic Microphone and use it in your investigations.
The Parabolic Microphone is a type of Optional Equipment in Phasmophobia, meaning it is not provided to your character by default. To obtain it for your investigations, you need to reach the required minimum level to unlock and purchase it in the game’s Shop portal.
Like all other types of equipment in Phasmophobia, the Parabolic Microphone has three different tiers, each higher in quality and reliability than the last. To unlock the first tier, you must reach Level 7 and then visit the shop to apply it to your equipment loadout (as seen above).
The second tier of the Parabolic Microphone is unlocked at Level 31 and costs $3,000 to complete the upgrade. Subsequently, the third tier is unlocked at Level 72 and that upgrade will cost you $5,000.
From that point, you are free to use any tier of the Parabolic Microphone that you want, and you can add up to two of them to your loadout regardless of how many people are in your party.
However, if you choose to Prestige your character, remember that when it resets to Level 1, you will need to unlock each tier of the Parabolic Microphone again, just like the rest of your equipment.
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As previously mentioned, to use the Parabolic Microphone during your contracts in Phasmophobia you need to apply it to your loadout via the Shop portal, to ensure it arrives with you in the truck. If you’re doing Challenge Mode, however, the preset loadout may not include the Parabolic Microphone.
Once you’ve arrived, select the Parabolic Microphone from the equipment wall in the truck to equip it, just like any other item. Use the appropriate button to turn it on or off, and if you have the tier 3 version, you can also determine where the sound is coming from via the attached radar screen (as seen above).
First and foremost, if you’re playing on a medium or large map in Phasmophobia, the Parabolic Microphone can help immensely with tracking down the ghost’s location via sound instead of the usual strategy with the temperature gauge or the EMF Reader.
Essentially, it serves to help you track any noise made by the ghost, whether it’s feedback from objects being thrown, doors being moved, or the ghost’s voice. On top of helping you find the ghost’s location, you may also get an Optional Objective that asks you to pick up the ghost’s voice through the Parabolic Microphone, so it can help in that regard.
Furthermore, certain ghosts such as the Deogen or Banshee can emit unique noises that can only be picked up through the Parabolic Microphone, so unique information like that can help you identify those types of ghosts.
That concludes how to use the Parabolic Microphone in Phasmophobia. Make sure to search site for the latest guides and news on the game, including all achievements and trophies in Phasmphobia and how to unlock them.
Phasmophobiais available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.