It's not only about fist fighting, sometimes it's also about fist flying. If you want to know what I mean by that, you can check out our guide below that will help you get the Hunt Mega Token in Untitled Boxing Game.
To start the quest in UBG, first ignore the Coach Bringus NPC and instead head down the rings and all the way to the last one in the middle. Here's what you need to do to start the quest:
Hack the terminal by matching the color with its word. So if the word is GREEN and the color of the word is green, you should say it's correct. However, if the word is GREEN but it's red, then you should say it's incorrect.
Now jump down from the platform and start going off the map diagonally to the right from the sign at the boxing ring. You will do this by equipping your fists (on 1) and dashing forwards (on space). The game will tell you it disconnected you, but when you try to leave, it doesn't let you. Instead, you will end up in the void.
This time, you are teleported very high in the sky. This section requires you to complete an obby:
The final task you have to complete to get the Untitled Boxing Game Mega Token is pick it up from the Void as well as fight the Void Samurai. He is more difficult compared to Raiden in Raven, but if you have the blocks and parries ready, then he shouldn't provide an issue.
If you aren't sure how to get all the tokens, you can follow our Complete the Hunt Token Guide on Pro Game Guides