The Season of Witchcraft in Diablo 4 brings all kinds of new content. However, to get the most out of the game’s latest outing, players must collect a new resource that is pretty hard to come by. So, here’s how to get Fugitive Heads in Diablo 4 Season 7.
There’s so much for players to wrap their heads around in Diablo 4 Season 7. What everyone wants to focus on, though, are the Witchcraft Powers. They provide all different kinds of abilities to make gameplay more unique, but they don’t do all the heavy lifting themselves. In fact, there’s a new kind of resource, Occult Gems, that provides 160 Armor and 8% Resist All. The only issue is that they’re really hard to craft.
Players can only start crafting Occult Gems after they acquire a Fugitive Head and bring it to Gelena at the Tree of Whispers. After that, they’ll need at least one Fugitive Head, as well as 1,000 Restless Rot and 50,000 Gem Fragments, to make more. So, it’s safe to say that knowing how to get Fugitive Heads in Diablo 4 Season 7 is very important.
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Blizzard doesn’t want to make things too easy, so in order to find Fuigitve Heads, players must Complete Whisper bounties in Headhunt zones, one of Season 7’s new areas. Once they’re done, there’s a slim chance that an Uprooted Cocoon will appear. However, it’s not as simple as just busting the thing open, as Headrotten Bosses will appear out of them. It’ll take a bit of luck, but some of them show up with a Fugitive Head attached, and all players have to do is defeat them to get it.
That’s a lengthy process, and it’s all the more difficult because a lot of it is up to chance. Thankfully, there is a way to boost the odds that Fugitive Heads appear in Diablo 4 Season 7. The Draught of Whispers Elixir, which is obtainable through Exposed Roots, Whispers Cache, and Coven’s Cache, boosts the chance of Fugitive Heads spawning by 50% and makes it more likely that Forgotten Altars will appear.
The final important piece to the Fugitive Head puzzle is the difficulty. The resource has a very low spawn rate on anything below Torment difficulty – and that’s saying something since it’s already so hard to come by. With that being the case, it’s a good idea for more casual players to take their time getting used to Torment before going on a Headhunt. After all, Season 7 doesn’t end until April, meaning there’s plenty of time to mess around and still collect plenty of Fugitive Heads.
And that’s how to get Fugitive Heads in Diablo 4 Season 7. If you’re looking for more, here’s how to solve and complete Poison in the Roots.
Diablo 4is available now on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.