Using a weapon in two-hands can be one of the best ways to absolutely destroy your enemies in Elden Ring, so in this article, we’ll be breaking down exactly how to two-hand, and why you might want to do it.
By default, to two-hand weapons in Elden Ring, you need to hold E on PC, triangle on PlayStation, or Y on Xbox, and then push the attack button for either your left or right-hand weapon, depending on which one you want to two-hand. If you’ve changed your control scheme, double check to make sure you haven’t changed it from those default settings.
These button combinations will also allow you to change weapons while on horseback, which is great ifyou’re someone who uses multiple weapons or switchesbetween melee and magic.It’s also worth noting that if you’re using a weapon that requires you to two-hand it due to Strength requirements,thenyou’ll need to start two-handing it before you get on your horse. While on horseback, you’re not really two-handing your weapon unless you do so before mounting, so keep that in mind.
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There are plenty of reasons totwo-handweaponsinElden Ring. One of the most common ones is for more damage.When you’re two-handing aweapon, your Strength goes up 50 percent, which meansthatif you’re using a Strength-based weapon with good scaling, you can add a bit more oomph to each strike.
Along with that, the move set often changes with two-handing, with some weapons allowing you to change the damage type depending on how you’re wielding it. The Strength boost alsoallowsyou to wield weapons you wouldn’tnormallybe able to, making it far easier to keep your Strength at a more manageable level and still wield a greatsword with relative ease.
It will also allow you to use your Ashes of War more efficiently. If you’re using a sword and shield, with the sword in your right hand, then your weapon skill will default to your shield.That means that if you’ve got parry or something similar equipped, you’ll do that.You can equip your skill with the No Skill Ash of War, and then you’ll be fine, but that’s not always ideal. So, two-handing your right-hand weapon will grant access to its Ash of War, giving you a lot of utility in battle.
If you’re using a Strength build in Elden Ring, using a weapon in two-hands is generally a pretty good idea. However, there can be some downsides. Two-handing weapons can change how attacks work, so take a moment to really get used to the changes and plan according to your environment. Sometimes, it’s worth it take a hit to your overall damage to have an attack that’s a bit more effective for the situation.
Since two-handing is a bit more suited to Strength builds, you may not want to use the technique if you’re going for a Dexterity or some other type of build. You’ll need to experiment to figure out what’s right for you.
In general, large weapons that scale with Strength are going to be your best best for two-handing weapons in Elden Ring. Additionally, as of Shadow of the Erdtree, you’re likely going to want to pick up the Two-Handed Sword Talisman, since that’s going to boost damage when you two-hand a sword.
As for actual weapons, any Greatsword or Colossal Sword is generally a pretty good choice, as are Great Hammers and Colossal Weapons. Seriously, just anything that scales with Strength. Use what’s best for you. Generally, I recommend the Greatsword, Zweihander, and Fire Knight’s Greatsword. The Giant-Crusher is also a great choice if you’re not aiming to use a sword.
And that’s how to two-hand weapons in Elden Ring.
Elden Ringis available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.
Update: This article was updated on 1/27/25 by Liam Nolan to provide more insight into how to two-hand weapons in Elden Ring.