Contact based Birthday Reminder
Don't miss a birthday, be reminded all the time or have the app greet them for you. This is a very simple application does that. It generates a list which contains their birthday based on your mobile "Contact" event information. Along with the basic information of birthday, it also contains the age and their zodiac. It also notifies the user daily if there is a celebrant for the day.
You can also greet your friends by sharing the image information to Facebook (Note that this app is not FB integrated, sharing is done through internal android sharing feaure).
Current Features
• Context menu (long click on item)
- Copy greeting to clipboard. (cut and paste)
• Custom preferences
- Custom greeting
- Custom notification time. Default is 1am.
- Custom display. Show count down.
• Display
- Easy sorting of list
- Display zodiac
- Display age
- Display contact picture
- Birthday information (birthday calculator result)
• Notification
- Notify when contact added is currently celebrating.
- Notify via notification window if someone is celebrating.
- Advanced notifications
- Notify by sound, vibrate, and light
• Share
- Share birthday information.
• READ_CONTACTS: Reads the birthday event from your contact list.
• BILLING: Sell items, but this is disabled for now.
• INTERNET: Allows the app to post images of your greeting.
• RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Allows the app to setup the alarm for the greetings.
• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Configuration customizations.
For feature request do not hesitate to contact the author.