Bat Chu Chu 2 Sieu Troll with Hoi Phong, pictures.
Join the game Test Tai Tai under the image with a new set of rich questions, you will definitely have a very useful entertainment moment.
The image of the game has a simple way to play, based on the suggested picture of the request. You can use help or ask friends.
Under the picture contains many vocabulary, folk songs, Vietnamese proverbs, you will surely be satisfied when you first try the first sentence.
What is this new version of the new image?
- With the cute, accessible cartoon set, you will experience a completely new feeling.
- The game plays completely free, coins to open sentences you can get from the completion of questions, watch videos or invite your friends.
- The game has an interactive system between players and developers, you may encounter a certain obstacle during the game, do not hesitate to click on the picture and say what you want. The support system is ready to help you 24/7.
- Download the new question very quickly, almost you do not have to wait as the old version.
- Ready to listen to suggestions, feedback from users thereby modifying and updating the image.
All suggestions on the question please send to Email: [email protected] .studio always update new and fix questions to bring the best experience for you. Close!
Email contribution: [email protected].