video downloader from facebooksign in ,play video,long click (Must )
This is a Brand New & Perfect facebook video downloader app for android smart phones
If your are satisfied Our Free app Please buy our paid app(Facebook Video downloader pro)only for $1.99.Paid version is fully Ad-free and its possible save videos to sd card/Phone gallery .Also You can share videos social Medias include whatsapp.Thanks for promoting us.
Facebook video downloader for android phones offer easy method of video save from facebook
Sign in, play the video,long click.
click download button
restart app again.
your video at our app front page.
You can share Videos through long click.Now u can share downloaded videos to whatsapp and other social medias/
DIsclaimer: This application not a facebook product.We do not store any of the information fetched while you access the application.
permissions required because access internet and save videos to your device.All permissions request provided by android system.Not from developer.
Face book logos trademarks displayed on this app are property of facebook.