Do you really know Nantes, France ?
Ask Me Up Nantes is a quiz game about Nantes, France. The principle is quite simple: 1 question, 4 possible answers ... Choose the right one! You know how to write "Nantes" in Breton, you place the city on a map without a doubt, you know which Miss France was born in Nantes? Or you have no idea about it? In all cases, our quiz is for you and you will learn while having fun! Play, check your statistics to analyze progress, share your scores online... All this is possible!
The Quiz, for a single player, is composed of series of 10 questions each, with predefined themes. Each question is asked only once. Give the right answer to score points!
In "Survival" mode, the questions follow on from each other and you have to answer as best as possible.You win 1 point (6 maximum) if you give the right answer or lose 2 points if not. Maintain a positive score to survive!
The Studies allow you to play alone on a series of 10 questions. Answer quickly and efficiently to score 13 points (or more) and unlock new questions. You then win a medal, symbolized by a yellow, orange or red star, depending on the number of scored points. A map displays your progress.
- 400 questions divided into 16 themes: Sport, People, Literature, Movies, Other, Science, Geography, Entertainment, Nature, Environment, Music, History, Politics, Economics, Patrimony and mobility.
- "Quiz" and "Survival" game modes available.
- Play alone "Studies" with progressive access to new questions based on performance; progress is represented by a map.
- Numerous performance indicators: points, success rate, medals (yellow, orange or red).
- Detailed statistics and curve representing the evolution of the success rate.
- High scores sharing online.
- Questions in the form of text, images or slides.
- Available in French and English.
- Dual display of measurement units (miles, yards, feet ...) if English language selected.
Ask Me Up Nantes, now you know... All about Nantes !