بعد النجاح الهائل لمنافسي Blue Lock ، أعلن المطور Chrollo أخيرًا عن تطوير لعبته التالية التي تسمى منافسي كرة السلة . تدل على اسمها ، إنها لعبة كرة سلة مستوحاة بشدة من أنيمي كرة السلة الشهيرة/المانجا مثل كرة السلة في كوروكو ، والبطولة دونك ، وأكثر من ذلك. So, if you are eager about the game and want to know more details, here is a collection of all the information we have at the moment.
تم الإعلان عن منافسي كرة السلة على كل من مقابض YouTube و Twitter من Chrollo ، مع مقطورة اللعب الصغيرة المرفقة أدناه.
عند الحديث عن اللقطات ، تبدو اللعبة مشابهة جدًا لمنافسي Blue Lock ، حيث يمكن للاعبين الوصول إلى أنواع متعددة من التدفقات أو الأنماط التي ستساعد على تسجيل نقاط لفريقك. These flows or styles will mostly be inspired by some or other basketball-based animes that have not been revealed at the moment. I guess that Ahiru no Sora, Kuroko No Basket, and Slam Dunk would heavily inspire the game . But, they are only assumptions based on the popularity of these animes and their similarities to the gameplay footage.
Another notable part of the trailer is the importance given to team play. Yes, unlike most Blue Lock Rivals trailers, there was a lot more passing and team coordination than flashy solo plays. I hope this ideology and theme are added to the core gameplay rather than just cut for the trailer.
As of now, there is no confirmed release date for Basketball Rivals. Even the trailer does not share any particular dates. Still, the rumor around the community is that Basketball Rivals may be released somewhere between March and May 2025 . Remember, these are based on gossip and discussion on Discord servers. So, take the information with a pinch of salt. For the time being, it is better to join the Basketball Rivals Discord page and wait for an announcement from the developers.
For more on Roblox Games, Check out How to Volley in Blue Lock: RivalsorBlue Lock Rivals Trello and Discord Links