In the latest update, the developers of Fisch have added a new secret fish called the Ancient Orca as part of the Orca Migration Event Update. Like other secret fishes that came before, the Ancient Orca also has specific baits and conditions under which you can catch the fish. So, here is a detailed explanation of how to get the Secret Ancient Orca in Fisch.
To answer the burning question, the Ancient Orca is only obtainable during the Orca Migration Event. هذا هو الحدث المضافة حديثًا الذي يحدث كل بضع دقائق على الخادم ويتم إخطاره برسالة كبيرة تقول: " بدأت ترحيل Orca. " كما هو موضح في الصورة أعلاه.
بعد تلقي هذه الرسالة ، توجه مباشرة نحو POI القوس الموجود في X: 1100 Y: 133 Z: -1،200 ، وهي نقطة انطلاق ترحيل ORCA. هنا ، ستجد مجموعات من Orcas تسبح في مجموعات مع لقب على رأس رؤوسهم قائلين " Orcas Migration " أو " Orcas Migration (ضمان 100 ٪)" . Now, all you have to do is keep fishing in the vicinity of these Orcas and go along with their speed using your boat. To catch the Ancient Secret Orca, you need to use the Shark Head Bait and fish under any conditions . هذا كل شيء! With time and effort, you will get the Ancient Orcas in Fisch. Remember, the Ancient Orca is a secret type of fish in the game, which means it is extremely rare to get one. So, don't lose hope, and keep trying until you get the fish in the game.
The Ancient Orca is a beautiful black-and-white fish with sharp teeth and deep cuts at the center of the body. I personally adore the texture of this fish, which makes it look like an ancient creature that should not belong in the world of Fisch.
لمعرفة المزيد عن Fisch ، تحقق من جميع عناوين القضبان ومتطلبات التوقيت - Fisch أو ما هي الطفرة المرصعة في Fisch وكيفية فتحه