Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is here and it's really rather excellent. But should you jump in if you've never played the previous game? Do you need to have to played the original to understand Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ? إليك ما تحتاج إلى معرفته.
Can you play Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 without tackling the first game? نعم ، يمكنك. تضع اللعبة المشهد ، موضحة الحرب الأهلية في القرن الخامس عشر الذي تتورط فيه. كما أنها تقدم بطل الرواية هنري ، متكافئة أنه فلاح ، وليس نبيلة ، وهانز ، من المفترض أن يكون حارسًا شخصيًا له.
And that, honestly, is all you need to know to play the game. يتم توضيح الحكايات الأخرى مع استمرار اللعبة ، خاصة خلال قسم الافتتاح ، لكنك لن تشعر بالضياع إذا كانت هذه هي لعبة المملكة الوحيدة التي لعبت بها.
Unlike Mass Effect 2 , where you're out to stop the reapers, you can't fix the civil war that's ravaging the Kingdom of Bohemia. The game's based on real-life history and while your actions have an impact, you won't get to stop the war single-handedly.
As for Henry himself, the beginning of the game tries to make you care about the death of his parents, but I didn't care that much. Instead, it's the actions I've taken so far during the game that have stuck with me.
Ultimately, you can jump into Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 without playing the original and you're not really losing anything. But if you do want to catch up, I'll explain the story of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, as well as how it sets up this second game.
As Kingdom Come: Deliverance begins, a civil war is brewing. King Charles IV dies, leaving his son, Wenceslaus IV in charge, only he proves to be a seriously disinterested 'ruler'. بعض نبلاء مملكة بوهيميا ليست راضية عن هذا ، ولذا فإنها تنضم إلى شقيقه غير الشقيق سيجسموند ، وهو ملك كرواتيا والمجر. Sigismund kidnaps Wenceslaus IV, to force him to renounce the throne, and that's the world you step into as Henry.
Henry is an apprentice to his father, a blacksmith, and everything's going well until his village, Skalitz, is wiped out by Sigismund's forces. Henry escapes but his parents and most of the village's inhabitants are slaughtered. The last memento Henry has of his parents is a sword his father made for local lord Sir Radzig Kobyla.
Related: All Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Voice Actors
We later discover that Henry is Sir Radzig's illegitimate son, but the sword is stolen and ends up in the hands of villain Sir Istvan Toth. يعني Toth التغلب على بوهيميا مع جيش من المرتزقة ، لكن هنري ، مع اللورد رادزيج ، يرويه في النهاية ، على مدار المغامرات والمفاوضات المختلفة. Toth's army is crushed but Toth himself escapes.
هذا هو المكان الذي تنتهي فيه اللعبة ، مع نمو هنري كشخص ، ومع بدء المملكة: يبدأ الخلاص 2 ، فهو أكثر مبردة لكنه لم يحصل على انتقامه. And, despite his victory over Toth, Toth is still out there somewhere and the civil war remains unresolved. He heads off with Hans, son of Sir Hanush of Leipa, another noble, to deliver a letter, which is where the second game picks up.
لذا فإن الإجابة التي يجب عليك القيام بها تحتاج إلى لعب الأصل لفهم المملكة Come: Sendarance 2 لا ، أنت لا ، ولن تخسر الكثير إذا لم تقم بذلك.