Necesse is a survival game that allows you to gather settlers in settlements that you build. And yes, they do need to be fed or they'll starve. Here's how to feed your villagers in Necesse .
Necesse is all about functionality. لإطعام القرويين ، كل ما عليك فعله هو التأكد من أن صناديقك مليئة دائمًا بالطعام ، وبمجرد تعيين القرويين لتخزين التسوية ذي الصلة ، سيمشي تلقائيًا إلى الصناديق وتناول أي مواد طعام هناك عندما يكونون جائعين.
You can also do this by opening the settlement menu and assigning work to each settler from there.
Here's a step-by-step process to help walk you through it:
There is a way to streamline the process so you don't always have to manually put food in the chests. Make sure you have a cooking area in your settlement, then assign work to your villagers and get them to start cooking. You'll also want to have a few chests in there as your designated storage for that room. By doing this, your villagers will do all the cooking and also feed themselves as necessary. You just need to provide them with the ingredients.
Generally speaking, any gourmet tier food items will work best for feeding your villagers in Necesse . The Blueberry Cake recipe is very cheap, and you can get it pretty early on in the game, so I'd recommend feeding that to them.
And that's everything you need to know about feeding your villagers in Necesse . تأكد من البحث عن الموقع للحصول على المزيد من النصائح والمعلومات حول اللعبة.