Season 2 of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 has officially launched today, and the addition of a brand new feature makes the progression grind a bit easier. The Camo Challenge Tracking feature in Black Ops 6 is incredibly useful, and here is a brief guide on how it works.
In the list of patch notes for the new update to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 , the newly added Camo Challenge Tracking is described as such: “The Challenge Tracker makes it easy for players to manually track up to 10 Camo and 10 Calling Card Challenges they're actively working toward, but there's another element of this system that we think players will find useful on the journey to Dark Matter, Nebula, and 100 Percenter: Near Completion.”
من خلال هذه الميزة الجديدة ، تتيح اللعبة للاعبين اختيار 10 كامو تتبع يدويًا ، مما يتيح الوصول بسهولة إلى التقدم في أي وقت أثناء لعب اللعبة ، بدلاً من الاضطرار إلى التحقق باستمرار من مدى تقدمك في القائمة الرئيسية للعبة. يوفر Tracker أيضًا إشعارات للاعبين حول التحديات التي يقتربون من إكمالها ، حتى عندما لا تكون واحدة من تلك التي تم اختيارها لتتبعها.
Related: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Season 2 Roadmap – Maps, Modes, Zombies Content and More
To choose which challenge you want to keep track of, go to the Camo or Calling Card challenge you wish to track. من هناك ، اضغط على الزر Y إذا كنت تستخدم وحدة تحكم أو مثلث Xbox إذا كنت تستخدم وحدة تحكم PlayStation ، مع إضافة هذا التحدي المحدد. From there, you can check your progression of various camos or calling cards during live matches in Black Ops 6 rather than wait until afterward to see what you need to do next to advance to the next camo.
حتى إذا لم يختار اللاعبون تحديًا محددًا لتتبعه ، فستظل اللعبة محظوظًا تلقائيًا مع أي تحديات هم الأقرب إلى الانتهاء. It will always be readily available for viewing if you're curious about what you're close to unlocking.
The top tracked or near complete camo and calling card challenges are also available in the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 lobby in the Daily Challenge section to see the complete list of camo and calling cards that are “near complete” to being unlocked.
Moreover, the journey to unlocking special camos has become somewhat more manageable with the Season 2 update to Black Ops 6 . Before the update, special camos could only be unlocked after getting nine military camos that preceded it. From now on, the amount required to unlock a special camo has been decreased to five military camos. However, players still must unlock two special camos to earn the highly sought-after mastery camos.
There has been plenty of discussion surrounding the large number of camos for every weapon and the inability to equip or use them all because of the difficulty in tracking progress and earning headshots and kills. Now, it seems that Treyarch is listening to players' feedback and incorporating more efficient ways to earn and equip camos to better enjoy Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6isavailable now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC