Are you looking for parking in Valencia? Do you want to park in different areas of Valencia at the best price?
Apparcando allows you to find car parking in Valencia (from the 30th minute you will be charged for minutes), parking at the best price.
Apparcando allows you to park in Valencia for hours at the best price. From our application, you can find low cost parking spaces in Valencia.
Now we are growing, and every day we have more squares that have joined Apparcando .
Every week we will open new places in more locations so you can choose every day you prefer. If you want to tell us where you want us to open the next place or send us some suggestion, you can do it in the info@ Apparcando .com
To use Apparcando , register from the application (you will ask for your data and those of your car, so that the system is the safest as possible, and you will have to choose between buying a bonus or paying only when you use it), then look for the place that interests you most according to its location and closing time, reserve it, open the door and pay very simple (everything from the mobile).
If at any time, before, during or after making the parking lot you have any questions, you can call us by phone 96111088 /668 876 799, we will be delighted to solve it, and even go to show you how it works Apparcando . You also have at your disposal the info@ Apparcando .com
Now now, park low cost, without going around the first!
Added public parkings provided by the Valencia City Council.
Last Google Play Services update.