The fastest apps backup tool on android
Why to download this application?
The fastest apps backup tool on android
You can backup apps to the SD card. You will never lose your data again
-Backup apps to SD card.
-User can send apps via email.
-User can backup apps from app detail screen by click on Save button.
-User can check detail information about any app by just click on arrow button of that app from the list.
Detail Information -
1) Application Name
2) Package Name
3) Version
4) Required Features
5) Required Permissions
6) Path Info
7) Target SDK Version
8) Installed On
9) last Modified
How to use it?
Click on the list item to Extract, Share, Launch & App information.
Long Click on the list item for multiple selection & then click Extract option at top right corner to extract applications.
What are other useful options available?
User can filter system apps by "Show System-Apps" by action bar (top right) option click.
User can filter download apps by "Show Install-Apps" by action bar (top right) option click.
Search option to search application from the list.
Arrow icon for detail application info.
What share options is available?
Bluetooth, Gmail, Dropbox, Skype etc.
What is location of extracted applications?
Path of extracted application are /storage/sdcard0/AppBackups/