Offline Pincode, IFSC, MICR, Railway Station, Trains, STD and RTO Code finder
* Search over 1,55,000 pincodes across India.
* Search details of 194 banks and their 1,38,252 branches in India.
* Search details of all railway stations in India(You can see details like no.of trains passing via, Arrival and Departure time, Stop time, Available days, etc) .
* Search details of all Trains in India(You can see details like Route and Schedule, Travel Time, Kilo meters travelled, Pantry, etc )
* Search all STD and RTO codes in India.
* Quick search option available to search all codes.
* Get near by places(Post offices, Bank's, ATM's and Railway stations.)
* Works offline! No Internet connection needed.
* Can add and view favourite codes.
* Search codes by state, district or area.
* All search fields are optional and partial search allowed for all fields.
* It can be moved to SD card.
* View location of corresponding code in map.
Note : First time search will take more time than usual