Local guides, tickets for events and attractions, plus public transit times
Acehopper for your Android phone or tablet has tens of thousands of suggestions for all of your travel and entertainment needs – right from the palm of your hand. Whether discovering a new city or hanging out with friends, Acehopper instantly helps you find tickets at the best prices for concerts, plays, sports and attractions.
- Explore cities and neighborhoods with informative travel and local guides.
- Buy tickets for concerts, plays, sports, museums, theme parks, etc.
- Add reviews, photos and tips.
- View scrollable, zoomable Google maps.
- Get detailed subway and bus schedules.
- Check-in and share favorite places via Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS.
- Purchase parking passes.
- Check availability for bike shares.
- Look up addresses, websites and phone numbers, then call or map from your phone.
- Tap quick links to find nearby points of interest.